A year or two ago, a house that was renovated by Young Pak (the architect in yesterday's post) was featured in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles. The designer was Wallace Bryan of Southern Exposure Interior Design. I was not able to find any more information on this designer, but clearly he has a great eye.
The house went on the market last year, and was on the market for quite a while. After a large price reduction, it sold this summer. Correct me if I am wrong, my fellow Atlanta blog friends, but it seems to me that many of the Atlanta clientele who can afford a $3 million dollar home tend to be much more traditional in their taste in architecture and home decor. French and English antiques still rule with many in this crowd, so it took a while for this lovely home to find the right buyer. Here are some pictures from the real estate listing for your viewing pleasure.

Most of these pictures are from the real estate listing, but the pictures with the * are by Erica George Dines
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What a great veranda. I like the dining room too.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the tastes of the over $3 mil crowd, I would say that within the perimeter things stay pretty traditional. The few contemporary homes that crop up in Buckhead always get the evil eye.
I personally love the way Ansley Park residents seem more open-minded about residential architecture. A home from 1905 can sit next to a 1990's glass cube and not look out of place. Interiors seem to be a bit more ecclectic (tastefully) as well.
Just out of curiousity, in what neighborhood was this house built?
ReplyDeleteThis house is on Conway Glen, which many would call Buckhead, but if you want to be specific is probably called Tuxedo Valley or Chastain Park area (north of West Paces Ferry, West of Chastain Park and Northside Dr, but south of Mt Paran).
ReplyDeletei love the dining room library. Also, i love the combination of white, turquoise, and orange in the sitting room.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous home throughout! I particularly like the library.
This house is really lovely, especially the master bedroom, which would make me dream of tropical adventures every night I went to sleep. Never would have thought that much turquoise could be so relaxing . . . Thanks for the tour.
ReplyDeleteIt is a miw of a lot of styles . IT IS WONDERFUL
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a very interesting house. When you look at the bedrooms, library, and dining room, you see a saturation of colors. Then the living room and kitchen are very white. I like the dark trim in the living room. The owner of the house is an artist, so perhaps she has a lot of inspiration and wanted to go for different environmments in each room!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful home, I especially love the library, seems like most peopel agree.
ReplyDeleteTalk about juxtaposition. I was doing just fine until I was assaulted with the master bedroom images. From there on down the designer loses me.
ReplyDeleteOne could argue that the public spaces are modestly outfitted and appeal to a wider crowd, and that it is an owners prerogative to customize bedrooms for personal decadence. But is has the marking of 'design by committee' which is never a good sign.
The foyer, the study, the dining room, kitchen and living room are all great to look at... but I could never sleep in that bedroom! ;)
Hi - I agree with Franki about the bedroom - I don't like the color, but otherwise, I love the "orange" room and the dining room and living room! But what I particular love about the house is that it is a 'regular' house and is still so interesting. When searching on Houston's real estate site, so very, very few of the houses barely even come close to the level of design that you see in a magazine. Most are just awful!!! It amazes how most people live, they just don't care about design at all.
ReplyDeleteI think I have to agree with franki and joni. There are some masterful strokes here, but some missteps too. Overall I think is is much more well done than your average home. I was thinking the first few rooms related well to each other, as did the guest room. Not crazy about the palm tree motif on the MBR ceiling, and is that carpet in the guest bath? Always a no no in my book. Love the entry, library/zebra room and guest rooms!
ReplyDeleteFascinating. I have to say that I didn't necessarily feel as though all the rooms and their designs belonged to the same house, but I loved many of the rooms, especially the library with its fabulous carpet and ceiling.
ReplyDeleteI'm just coming across this post... sorry. Wallace Bryan is a client of ours, here at Moore Floor Coverings, and she is AMAZING! I've been working with designers in Atlanta for fifteen years and she is one of the most creative talented people with whom I've worked. And she is a super cool, 'real' person.