I am really into art these days. My art board on Pinterest is one of my favorite places right now – I am always inspired by art and color and how art is selected for and placed in a room.
I credit Pinterest for providing such an amazing source of inspiration for new (to me) artists. Pinterest is a visual feast and it is truly amazing to be exposed to so many images I never would have seen. Although I love looking at design, architecture, and food pins – it is the art pins that cause me to spend so much time on Pinterest. I particularly like it when I find an artist, then find their Pinterest page, then get a peek into what inspires them – whether it be other artists, colors, landscapes, fashion…
The very nature of Pinterest sometimes makes it a challenge to determine an artist’s name when I see a painting in the context of a room. When an image is featured in a magazine and even in a blog, the sources are usually identified (magazine, blog, designer, photographer, products). Much of the time, the trail is cold in Pinterest, when the image is completely separated from its source. However, for someone like me who likes to research and connect the dots, it is often a fun challenge to find something that has caught my eye on Pinterest.
Case in point: I saw this lovely room featured in a pin. I have also discovered that I have a major lavender obsession going on, and this painting, with its bright colors and splash of lavender, really caught my eye. Through the source of the pin, I learned that the room is the work of designer and blogger Jamie Meares, who writes I Suwanee. The rest of the house is just as fresh and youthful as this room; click here to see the blog post.
After emailing Jamie, I found that the painting was done by Atlanta blogger, Jenny Andrews Anderson of My Favorite and My Best. I have read her blog for years now, and was aware that she was painting, but was truly impressed and inspired with the beauty of her work and the development of her technique.
I contacted Jenny and asked her more about her work, when she started painting, and what her inspirations are. Her words (in italics) are interspersed with some of my favorite images of her art, both from her tumblr page and from client installations.
The first painting Jenny sold to a client |
i have been drawing most of my life, but painting was never something i got into beyond high school because the idea of paints and buying paints and brushes intimidated me. i didn't know where to begin. i really enjoyed all of my art classes in school and was pretty good, but i found that being literal or figurative wasn't something i connected with. i guess i hadn't found my medium. once i started painting abstract i connected with it right away.
having the blog helped in that i had an instant audience and clientele. most of my readers are into interiors and art and just pretty things in general.
i paint in my dining room. mostly on the dining room table, but for bigger pieces i lean them against the wall and paint sitting down. i would love a studio. and a whole lot more paints and brushes! but for now, the dining room it is. ideally i'd love an out building to paint in, nothing away from home.
in terms of inspiration i sort of draw on that everywhere. i am inspired by what's in front of my eyes. i am inspired by how i feel, what i watch, what the weather is like...basically i draw inspiration from all around. also, pinterest is my best friend. i have a board titled 'color' that i refer to all the time for inspiration.
a lot of people ask what type of medium i use...that answer is varied. i experiment all the time- brushes and my fingers are the most used tools. but i also use scissors and serrated knives. for paints i use acrylic, gouache, oils, oil stick, charcoal...and i use them all together, usually. i love painting on paper. i recently painted a piece called "nectar head" on cardboard and found it to be a very easy surface to paint on.
my process is pretty simple...
i get some color ideas in my head, colors i want to see together...and i just start applying, wiping, smearing them and shapes take hold...i don't have a composition in mind or a story. those come pretty organically.
once i see the story unfold i just keep going where it takes me. that sounds totally hokey but it's so so true.
my goal is to move the story forward. i like to push the boundaries of weirdness and craziness. i don't take myself seriously at. all. like at all, at all. i don't take my paintings too seriously either. they are meant to bring a sense of wit and nostalgia, in some way, hopefully. i'd like to think that my paintings are like wes anderson movies. i think that his shot selections are the stars of his films. they are used to such great effect in such a singular, small moment. i'd like to think my paintings do something similar”.
Here are some more images of her art that caught my eye….
Jenny’s art (the large painting) is featured over the mantel. How gratifying it must be to have her art already in a published magazine spread! Style at Home Magazine
This bedroom is so pretty – and Jenny’s art is certainly the perfect touch for the space.
One of Jenny’s paintings at a client’s house.
This work on paper caught my eye – I am really into works on paper these days. I think they add an interesting and sophisticated element to a mix of art in a house, and often have a lighter touch than works on canvas.
This is a great nursery- it will easily make the transition from baby to child to teen, and I think that Jenny’s art will be a feature of the room for many years to come.
I have been admiring this painting in Jenny’s etsy shop – it’s really beautiful, so soft and luminous.
I hope you enjoyed this feature on the art of Jenny Andrews Anderson. Here is where you can find her:
Jenny’s etsy shop:
Portfolio of her work:
Jenny’s blog:
What about you – are there any artists whose work you love, or whose work you have discovered on pinterest or on blogs? Please post names or links – I am always interested in learning about new artists. Are you an artist who uses social media to expand your client base? I would love to hear about it! It seems like a very good time to be an emerging artist with talent and vision – there are so many ways to reach an audience in this day and age. (Email subscribers, comments can be made on the blog by clicking here).
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