
Friday, September 16, 2011

An update

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Lest you think I have fallen off the face of the earth, I wanted to write a brief update.  Thank you for the emails and inquiries - I am still here, just trying to regain some semblance of control over my life!

The past month has been incredibly exciting, stressful, and busy - we sold our old house, packed up the old house, and moved into the new house.  On top of this, add all of the back to school activities at two different schools, and I have barely had a moment to even sit down.

After 14 years in our old house, it was a monumental effort to sort through and pack all of our belongings. When I did the final walk through of the house before leaving the keys for the new owners, I was amazed that we were able to pack up our lives (and our attic, which had been stuffed to the brim) and move on.

It still doesn't feel as if the new house is really ours.  It is strange being in this familiar but also different environment.  I am learning new routines, finding new places to put familiar furniture and accessories, adapting to new furniture and appliances and fixtures.  Figuring out all of the light switches has been a learning effort in and of itself (we are wired for a sophisticated lighting system, but chose to do simple flip switches initially).

I am working all day, every day to get us settled - unpacking boxes, figuring out where to place things, making Bed, Bath, & Beyond runs to get all of the little items needed to stock up a house.   It is driving me crazy not being able to find many of my familiar day to day items, which is spurring me on to get everything unpacked.  I still have a long way to go, but my kitchen designer (the amazing Cynthia Ziegler) and I completely unpacked the kitchen this week, which was a big psychological milestone.

My designers, Suzanne and Keith, came to the house late last week to place the furniture and rugs that we bought.  They brought along their expert hanging guy, who hung all of my favorite artwork and mirrors, which immediately helped make the new house feel more like home!  Some of the window treatments are up, more are being installed today. Although we still need more furniture (that will come in time), we purchased most of the foundational items - rugs and window treatments - to warm up the house and make it feel cozier.  We also have all of the lighting fixtures with the exception of the dining room chandelier (we are looking for an antique, and have not found the right one yet) and one small fixture for the groin vault hall, which needs to be special but also functional.

Over the past two years, I have worked through many decisions on this blog, and truly appreciate the input and insight of my blog readers! I will be showing many of the end results over the next few months. I also have a stockpile of posts that I began, but never finished, and I am looking forward to reworking the posts with the result in mind.

I am thrilled with the house - the architecture, landscape, and design are all very reflective of my husband and me, and we are looking forward to living here for many, many years.

More to come, so stay tuned!

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  1. Kind of scary what you can accumulate over the years, isn't it? We have an attic full of "treasures" and I dread the day we have to face going through them! I'm looking forward to seeing the results of your adventure in your new home! When the dust settles, I bet you find yourself re-energized.

  2. So exciting!!! A heartfelt congrats! (pretty soon things will be running like clockwork ;-)

  3. I am so excited for you to be getting settled into your new home. We are moving into ours next weekend ;-)

    I can't wait to see your beautiful home!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. It takes a bit of time to make a house a lovely home. You will work and rework some things, and in the end it will be a reflection of your family. Just breathe and take one moment at a time. All will be well. I have moved well over 40 times and have never lived in one place more than 5 years in my entire life. Atlanta may well break that record! Looking forward to seeing your finished results!

  5. Holly - congratulations to you and your family -- may you love love love your new, hopefully, "forever" home -- you've worked so hard -- Enjoy!!

  6. Holly, I am so excited for you! 14 years ago my husband and I had a house built and it was such an amazing experience. It was a tremendous amount of work but also a lot of fun. I have moved twice since then and those moves have not been as exhilarating as the time we moved into that house 14 years ago. Enjoy it! It's all yours! I wish you much happiness in your new home (and I can't wait to see pictures).

  7. What an exciting time! Good luck with everything and I look forward to seeing the results of all your hard work! -Melissa

  8. We're thrilled for you. Congratulations.

  9. Holly of course I thought you had been very busy!!
    A move is a very big deal no matter how often you do it!

    I am so excited to see the results as it HAS been fun to follow along with your thoughts and decisions!


    Art by Karena

  10. I know you are so excited...can hardly wait to see all of your hard work come to fruition!!

  11. Congratulations, Holly! It is a huge undertaking, but sounds like it is going well. Can't wait to see your new home.

  12. Congratulations. I can't wait til you start posting photos of the rooms and nooks and crannies. Now, this week-end take a moment, put your feet up, breathe deeply and enjoy (with a glass wine or two, of course).

  13. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see some pictures.

  14. Moving is tough. Can't wait to see your vision that has come to life. Hang in there. Mona

  15. Congratulations, Holly! I am sure you will love it and over time feel so at home. Happy for you after all your thought and time and energy spent - can't wait to see the results!

  16. You didn't even mention how hard it is to finish a house - I am sure the last month was stressful on that front too! Many blessings to you and yours for a wonderful life in the new abode.


  17. enjoy making your new house a home..would be fun to see the pictures of the old home as well, love to see how your style has evolved.

  18. Holly - congratulations to you and your husband and girls. What a delightful time. I find it takes me a while to nest and get everything sorted. You will have so much space and I hope everything will be just perfect and that everything will find the right home and you will have made all the right choices. I cannot wait to see it!

    We are heading to DC later next week for a brief holiday. When we are back I hope to be blogging more and see some photos from your splendid house. I know it will be inspiring and beautiful, like you!

    xo Terri

  19. you are scaring me to death. we've been here about 18 years now and the attic. oy.

    can't wait to see one or two or three pictures! something/anything? todd rundgren, hehe.

    so happy you are settled, sort of, finally in the house of your dreams! wow. amazing.



  20. I know it’s a monumental move and you’ll get through it just remember it doesn’t need to be done in a day. Congratulations on your new home and can’t wait to see it in all its shining glory. Try to enjoy your weekend!

  21. Good luck with everything! We've been in our house 13 years and can't imagine packing it all up. I can't wait to see the finished result after your two years of posts leading up to this exciting moment.

  22. How exciting to actually be in the house that was a labour of love for you these past two years. Enjoy this settling in time and I look forward to your future posts.

  23. How exciting, a new house and Suzanne as a designer. I can not wait to see what your home looks like. It does get hard to move as the kids get older. I dont know if it is the kids or just we get older! Good luck.

  24. How exciting! Packing and unpacking is simply one of the most exhausting activities ever, but how delightful to be in your new home. Congrats!!

  25. I hope the calm has arrived and you are feeling more settled....xv

  26. All I have to say is that God bless every inch of your new house, that you all have lots of great moments and so much health to enjoy many years, decades in this new place.

    I feel really happy for you. Try to enjoy and remember, everything will be into place... just be patient and savour this new chapter of your life.

    Have a blessed week.


    Luciane at

  27. Congratulations on moving into your new home. I have followed your postings throughout the process and very much look forward to seeing the results of you and your teammates.

    May you, your family, friends and loved ones enjoy it for many years to come.

    Cheers P.

  28. Congratulations Holly, I'm so glad you're in. I for one have really enjoyed your straight forward approach to investigating and researching the details for the design of your home. I'd love it if you can bear to let us in and show us some of the end result.

  29. Congrats, Holly! It's been a lot of work and I've enjoyed watching your progression. Can't wait until you're finally settled and can really enjoy!


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