
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Inspirational New Blogs

There are so many great architecture and design blogs out there, and sometimes it is sometimes hard for them to get ‘found’ by readers. I usually find my ‘new’ blogs through posts by some of my favorite bloggers (as well as blog rolls and comments on my own blog). Occasionally I will read a new blog that really speaks to me, and I have recently come across several blogs that I think my readers will like.

DC by Design

I find that the aesthetic of many of the designers in DC really appeals to me. Two of my favorites – Jim Hawes of Caldwell-Beebe and Sally Steponkus of Sally Steponkus Interiors - hail from the DC area, as does Darryl Carter (he has such a cleverly designed web site – click here to see it) and Kelly Proxmire.


So, when I discovered that Jennifer Sergent, the former editor of the now defunct Washington Spaces Magazine started a blog, I knew it was going to be great. Jennifer told me that after the magazine closed, she “really felt a responsibility to keep the magazine’s blog going under my own name, because this is such an incredible, creative town and there NEEDS to be more than one or two voices to spread the word”. Her most recent post totally captured by heart – a beautiful condo with interior design by Sally Steponkus (pictured above, photo credit Angie Seckinger). Click here to see more pictures from this magnificent home! I look forward to seeing how DC by Design develops – Jennifer is definitely connected to the pulse of the DC design scene.

Acanthus & Acorn


Another new blog has emerged on the scene: Acanthus & Acorn, written by a Northern Virginia based designer (the vignette above it from her recent post). The author is a blog reader of mine, and we have chatted on the phone about the framed intaglios that I sell in my online store (click here for a peek). When we first chatted, she told me that she had been thinking about starting a blog, and I am happy to report that she went ahead and did it! Her posts are beautiful, insightful, and interesting. It is also interesting to read some of the behind the scenes decisions that went into the projects that she has featured – I always find this to be fascinating.

Nest Egg


Finally, although this blog is not new, it is new to me! Brooke of Velvet & Linen met this Nashville based blogger in Atlanta, and I was amazed when I went over to check out her blog, Nest Egg. The author, Rachel Halvorson, is a designer and has such a happy and joyful approach to design and to her blog, it makes me smile when I read it! She also is a dead ringer for Cameron Diaz, as you can see in the thumbnail picture from her blog (I am sure she has heard this a million times!).


Rachel’s recent post on beams is definitely on my favorites of 2010 posts (I have already started my list!). Click here to read it. Image via House Beautiful, design by Tom Scheerer.

Please take a moment to visit these wonderful blogs! I think you will like them as much as I do.

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  1. Thank you Holly! What a wonderful gift on a rainy Sunday.

  2. I thought it was Cameron Diaz!
    thanks for the new addresses to visit!

  3. Loved the new blogs, I will add them to my list. Your's and Brook's of Velvet and Linen are my favorite!!!! I go there first everyday.Thank you for all your inspiration.

  4. ooo thanks for the new reading material. You are right- there are so many good design blogs out there. Sometimes I would like to take a vacation where I could immerse myself in design blogs all day long!

  5. So wonderful to discover new blogs. Love them and will definitley be adding them to my list.

  6. Thank you for the comments! Martha, that is so sweet of you - I love Brooke's blog, and consider this a huge compliment. When I met Brooke, she said 'everything is always happy and beautiful at Velvet & Linen' - and this is the same way I approach my blog. Not that I am purposely trying to ignore the bad in the world, but I am trying to create a little corner of beauty here at TTI - I do not slam people or designs. I try to just post what truly inspires me!

  7. Thanks for doing this. I'm off to investigate.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  8. Glad I stopped over today. I am off to check out some of these blogs. I found DC Design yesterday afternoon by chance and am already enjoying reading it.

  9. Merci for letting us know about these new places to visit. Heading over to see them all now.
    Yes you do give us things that inspire us all!
    WIshing you a fabulous evening!

  10. Holly,
    Jennifer said it perfectly!!! I just found her too. And, now I'm off to find Nest Egg. Can't thank you enough for the support and kind words. Oh, and before I forget, I tried the penny trick you suggested on my Tuesday Tip and it absolutely worked like magic!

  11. Thanks for the post! I love finding out about new blogs!

  12. Hi Holly, I do really think your blog is inspiring !!!

    Looking the lovely pics makes me very happy ^ _^

    Have a great (blog)week,


  13. Thanks Holly! I have been out of town and out of the blog loop for a few days. Good to be back and learn of some new inspiring blogs!

  14. Thanks for introducing me to some new blogs. I'm off to check them out.

    I recently started reading NestEgg too and am enjoying it.

  15. Holly,

    I always love to hear of new blogs. Thank you for this post. Can't wait to stop by and read them all. Hope your Home Tour was a success. Have a great week.

  16. Thank you for making me feel SO special, Holly! It means a lot coming from you. I love what you said above about "trying to create a little corner of beauty here." Well, you have! And thanks for inspiring me to do the same.

  17. I enjoy Rachel's blog too, glad you put the word out. Looking forward to checking out the other two, which I've not yet discovered.

  18. Hi Holly! How was the tour? really wanted to go, but we had to go see my grandma. I can't want to see your post about it. Thanks for telling us about these new blogs!

  19. Love Rachael, her blog is great! I will have to check out the rest!

  20. And you do a wonderful job!!!!!

  21. I'm so glad you've introduced me to some new (to me) blogs! I was just telling a fellow blogger that I felt like I needed to expand my reading list as it'd been a while since I picked up a new blog or two. Yes, there are a ton of design blogs out there now, but not so very many GOOD ones, so I'll definitely be giving these three a read!

  22. Thanks for sharing all the new blogs. They are all super and I enjoyed reading then all....Kammy

  23. It's really too bad that Washington Spaces is now defunct, it used to be a regular read of mine when I lived in northern VA.

    Thanks for the to find new inmspiration.


  24. I love Rachel's blog and agree that her wood beams post was inspirational. Just spent time going through some of her old posts and saw her ever so cute wedding video.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog awhile back Holly!

  25. So sad yesterday! My daughter and I went to Atlanta for the home tour. We even bought our tickets saturday so we would be ready, but the weather played havoc with our plans. We ended up driving home to Knoxville early and am really glad we did. Maybe next year!

  26. holly;

    love when you suggest new blogs, this "community" is so giving and wonder i get lost in blogland.
    thank you!

  27. Thanks so much for recommending these blogs. They are great resources and beautifully thought out. I'm so glad to have some new bloggers to follow!

  28. There are so many wonderful design blogs! Thank you for pointing these out.


  29. I love visiting new blogs, can't wait to check these out!

  30. You've named some of my new favorites too!!

  31. I thought that was Cameron Diaz... she does look just like her. Thanks and I will check out the blogs. I trust if you like them,so will I.

  32. Oooh. Jennifer Sergent's blog is new to me! Thank you for the introduction.
    It was so much fun meeting Rachel in person. She is beautiful and talented! Thank you for letting your readers know about her wonderful blog.
    Acanthus and Acorn is another beautiful addition to the design blogging community. I just wish I had more hours in the day to read all of my favorites!

    You remember what I said about my blog? We seem to share a similar blogging philosophy. I like to think of my blog as a place for people to escape the less than wonderful side of things for a few moments during their day.
    I certainly think of my visits to TTI as beautiful mini vacations.


  33. Oh, I love new blogs to explore! Thanks. And, boy, she does look like Cameron Diaz!

  34. You have done a lot of research work on the sinks I see...I love the old classic style white big sink,it is functional as well as good to the eye.The stainless steel sinks also look good but have to match the kitchen decor really.

  35. This is a very cozy living room I love it it’s very inviting and comfy.

  36. I love the simple design of the sofa, very comforting ambiance it’s what a family living room is all about.

  37. Merci for the tips !Love these blogs

  38. This is the good blog with good images and good details. I really like your sink blog. There are very nice and extraordinary sink design you put. I'll apply some of your sink design portion in my kitchen. Thanks for sharing such kind of blog.

  39. Excellent list, I especially love the DC design blog. Great to have them all in list that's easy to reference.


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